Dawoodi Bohra Namaz
And Translation in
August 13, 2010
Zohor and Asar;
Allaa hummaa innee navayto haaza tahooree le salaatiz zohre val asre wa le kulle salaatin
0 Allah I intend to clean myself for the noon or after¬noon prayers and any other
prayers which I might offer.
Ishaa il Aakerate
Allaa hummaa innee navayto haaza tahooree le salaatil Maghribe wal Ishaa-il-aakherate va le kulle salaatin usalleehaa. •-•-'•—
0 Allah. I intend to clean myself for the evening or nigh* prayers and any other prayers which I might offer.
Allaa hummaa innee navayto .haaza tahooree le salaatis sunnate Val Fajre wa le kulle salaatin usalleehaa.
0 Allah I intend to clean myself for the morning prayers and any other prayers which I might offer.
Washing Both Hands
Ashhado an la ilaha illallaho wahdahoo la sharika lahoo wa ashhado anna Muhumaedan abduhoo wa Rasooluhoo wa ashhado anna Moulana Aliyan wasiyyuhoo wa waziruhoo.
I declare that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's servant and an apostle and that Ali is Muhammad's Vasi and Vazir.
Gargling 3 times:
Allahumaas qinee min kaase
0 Allah make me fortunate
enough to be able to drink: in the same cup as that of Thy Prophet Muhammad.
Cleansing the nostrils 3 tines:
Wa Shamminnee raaehata jannateka fi jannatek.
Washing the face 3 times:
Allahuoma bayyiz wajee be noore maarefateka yawmaTubayyezo wujoohal mumeneena wa tusawwedo wujuoohal mushrekeen wa nawwirho be nooril eemaan.
And let me smell the sweet smell of paradise.
0 Allah brighten my face with the light of Thy recognition on the day when the faces of believers will shine while those of unbelievers shall be blackened. Oh Allah brighten my face with the light of faith.
Washing the right arm 3-times
Allahumma aatenae kitabee be yameenee wa la tootehnee be yasaaree
O Allah give me my account in my right hand, not in my left hand.
Washing the left arm 3 times;
Allahumma laa tootenee kitaabee
be shimaalee va la min warae zahree
0 Allah do not give me the account of my deeds from the left nor from behind.
Masah over the middle line of the head:
Allahumma ghasshenee be rahmateka min rahmatek.
0 Allah keep me under your kind protection.
Cleansing the ears:
Va asmeanee munaadiya jannateka fi jannatek. -
And let me hear nothing but the Bounds of paradise.
Masah over the neck;
Allahumma aateq raqabatee minan naar wahfaznee minas Salaasile val aghlaal yaa azizo yaa Jabbaar.
Masah over the feet (first right then left)
Allahunra sabbit qadanayyaa ala siratekal mustaqeem yawmaa tusabbeta aqdaamal mumeneen wa tuzillo aqdaama
aadaaekal mujremeen.
At the end of Vuzoo say;
Subhanaka Allahumma wa be hamdeka la ilaha ilia anta astaghferoka yaa rabbe va atoobo ilaika. Allahumma ajalnee minat tawwaabeena wajalnee minal mutatahhereen waghfirlee warhamnee yaa arhamar raahemeen. Allahumma kamaa tahhartanee bil maae fa tahhernee minaz zunoob.
O Allah save my neck from the burning hell and protect me from chains and bondage.
O Allah keep my feet steady-on the right path to the day of judgement when the feet of believers shall be steady Thy enemies, the sinners, shall falter.
0 Allah Thou art Omnipotent and all praises are due to Thee. There is no God but Allah. I seek forgiveness for my sins by turning towards Thee. 0 Allah include me amongst those who are pure and virtuous and 0 Allah do forgive me since Thou art the greatest forgiver. 0 Allah just as with water Thou hast cleaned my body of dirt sO With my prayer clean my soul of all kinds of evil.
Wa qulil hamdo lillaahil lazi lam yattakhiz waladan wa lam yakun lahoo shareekun fil mulke wa lam yakun lahoo waliyyun. minaz zulle wa kabbirho takbeerah.
And. say praise be to Allah Who has not taken unto Him a son nor has He a partner in His Kingdom nor does He need a helper. Always remember Him with the words "Allaho Akbar".
Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar. Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar. Ash hado an la ilaha illalah. Ash hado an la ilaha illalah Ash hado anna Muhammadan rasoolullah Ash hado anna Muhammadan rasoolullah Ash hado anna Moulana Aliyaun waliyullah Ash hado anna Moulana Aliyavn waliyallah Hayya alas salaht, hayya alas salaht hayya alal falah, hayya alal falah hayya ala khairil amal, hayya ala khairil amal. Muhammdun wa Aliyun khairul bashar wa itratohuma khairul itar. Muhanmadun wa Aliyun khairul bashar wa itratohoma khairul itar. Allaho Akbar Allaho Akbar La ilaha illalah, la ilaha illalah.
Allah is the greatest (4-times) I bear witness that there is no God but Allah (twice) I bear witness that Muhammad is his messenger (twice) I bear witness that Ali is the saint of Allah (twice) Hasten towards prayers (twice). hasten. towards propriety (twice) Hasten towards the best of deeds (twice) Muhammad and Ali are the best of mankind and their progeny is the best amongst all progenies (twice) Allah is the greatest (twice). There is no God but Allah (twice).
Between AZAN (first call) and
Iqamat (second call) say;
Allahumma alaiha ahya wa alaiha amooto wa alaiha ubaso insha Allaho taala. Allahumma innee asalokal afwa wal afiyata fid deene wad dunya wal aakherate innnaka ala kulle shaieen qadeer.
Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar. Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar. Ash hado an la ilaha illalah, Ash hado an la ilaha illalah. Ash hado anna Muhammadan resoolullah, Ash hado anna Muhammadan. rasoolullah. Hayya alas salaht, hayya alas salaht. Hayya alal falah, hayya alal falah. Haya ala khairil amal, hayya ala khairil amal. Qad qa matis salat, qad qa matis salat. Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar. La ilaha illallah.
0 Allah I shall live for this prayer and die for it and with Thy blessings shall be raised
on it on the Day. of judgment. 0 Allah I seek forgiveness from Thee and I beg Thee to forgive me not only in this world but also in the hereafter; and give me health. Indeed Thou hast control over everything.
Lines 1 to 7 as in AZAAN. Then Lo the prayers have been established (twice) Allah is greatest (twice). There is no God but Allah (once)
Before Niyyat for Fardh
Bismilla hir rahmaanir raheem
Allaa humma aqimhaa wa adimhaa wa sherrifhaa wa azzimhaa wa alash-shaitaane harrimhaa. Wajalnee minal qaaemeena beha wal nuhaafezeena alaihaa be haqqil kalemaatit taammaatee. Aate Muhammadanil wasilata wal fazla wal fazeelata wad-darajatar aafiata wab-as-hul maqaamal mahmood - al – laze waaadtahoo wa salle alaihe wa alaa ahle baitehit taahereen.
0 Allah help us in keeping this prayer alive for ever and increase its value in our hearts and keep Saitan away from us. Include me amongst those who not only establish prayers but also maintain. them regularly. 0 Allah bestow upon our Prophet Muhammad the honour of intercession and raise his to the elevated position which Thou hast promise him and send down blessings upon him and his progeny.
ZOHOR : Usallee fardha salaatiz Zohre arbaa rakaatin lillaahe azza wa jalla adaa-an mustaqbilal kaabatil haraame Allaa-ho Akbar.-
ASAR. : Usallee fardha salaatil Asre arbaa rakaatin lillaahe azza wa jalla adaa-an mustaqbilal kaabatil harame Allaa-ho Akbar.
MAGHRIB : Usallee fardha salaatil maghribe salaasa rakaatin
lillaahe azza wa jalla adaa-an mustaqbilal kaabatil harame Allaa-ho Akbar.
ISHAA : Usallee fardha salaatil Isha-il aakherate arbaa rakaatin lillaahe azza wa jalla adaa-an mustaqbilal kaabatil haraarn Allaa-ho Akbar.
FAJ AR : Usallee fardha salaatil Fajre rakaataine lillaahee azza wa jalla adaa-an mustaqbilal kaabatil haraame Allaa-ho Akbar.
(Note: In case of woman -mustaqbilatal).
Wajjahto wajhiya lillazee fataras samaavaate wal ardhahaneefan musleman wa maa ana minal mushrekeen. Inna salaatee wa nosokee wa mahyaaya wa mamatee lillaahe rabbil alameen. Laa sharika lahu wa be zaalika umirto wa ana minal muslemeen alaa millate Ibhraaheema wa deene Muhammadin wa valaayate Aliyan wa abrao ilaihe min aadaa-ehiz zaalemeen. Aoozo billahe minash-shaitaanir rajeem.
I have diverted my attention toward: Allah Who has created the heavens and the earth. I am standing before Allah as a true muslim and am not one of those who associate some one with Allah. Indeed my prayers, my sacrifices, my life and my death are all dedicated to Allah Who is the Sustainer of all the universes and Who has no partner. I have been ordered to pray and I am proud to be one of these muslims who believe in the millat of Abhrahim, and the teachings of Muhammad and are stead¬fast in the love of Ali and keep away from~ the enemies of Ali and who are tyrants. I Seek refuge before Allah from the devil who is the most wicked.
Bismilla Hir Rahmaanir Raheem.
Al hamdo lillaahe rabbil aa1ameen.. Ar-rahmaanir raheem. Maalike yavmiddeen. lyyaaka naa.budo wa-iyyaa ka nas-taien. Ehdenas siraatal mustaqeem. Siraa.tal lazina an.-amta alayhim ghairil maghdoobe alayhim walad-dhwalleen..
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praises are due to Allah, the Sustainer of all the universes, the Beneficent, the Merciful, Lord of the day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we seek for help. Guide us on the right path, the path of those on whom Thou hast showered Thy choicest blessings, not the path of those who have earned Thy anger nor the path of those who have gone astray.
To Be Followed By a Small-
Surah of the Quran then go for Ruku in Half Bend Position
Subhaana rabbiyal azeem wa be hamdehee (3-Times).
Same-allaaho le man/ hameda, rabbanaa lakal hamd, Allaa-ho
Most Magnificent and Great
Is my Lord Whom I am praising.
Surely Allah hears the one who praises Him. 0 our Lord all praises are due to Thee.
Go for SUJUD in prostration position
Subhaana rabbiyal aalaa wa taa’ala (3-times)
Most Magnificent is my Sustainer and Exalted.
Sitting Between Two Sajdah
Allaa hummagh firlee warhamnee).waj-burnee
war.-faanee (once)
O Allah forgive me, take pity on me, help me and give me prosperity.
While Rising for Next Rakat
Allaa humma inn.ee be hawleka wa quwwateka aqoomo wa aqudo (once).
Bismallaahe wa billaahe wal
hamdo lillaahe wal asmaa-ul husnaa kullohaa lillaahe. Asb-hado an laa ilaaha
illallaaho wahdahu laa sharika lahu wa ash-hado ana.a Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasooluhu. Allaa humma salle alaa Mohammdin nabeeyika wa taqabbal shafaa-atahu fee ummatehi wa salle alaihe wa alaa ahle baitehit taaherin
0 Allah indeed with Thy help and with the power bestowed by Thee do I stand up and sit down.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful. This prayer is for Allah and in. the name of Allah who alone deserves all the good attributes and praises. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, alone without a partner and that Mohammad is His servant and messenger. O Allah send Thy blessings upon Muhammad, the prophet and accept his intercession for his people and send blessings upon his descendents who are pure.
Bismilla Hir Rahmaanir Raheem
At tahiyyaa-tut tayyebaato was, salawaa-tut taaheraa-tuz Zakiyaatun naa-emaatus saabeghaatul ghaadiaa-tur raa-ehaato lillaahe. Maa taaba va khalosa wa tahora wa nama wa safa wa zaka lillaahe wa maa khabosa fa le ghairil-laahe. Ash-hado an laa ilaaha illallaaho wahdahu laa sharika lahu wc. ash-hado anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasooluhu arsalahu bil huda wa deen-il haqqebasheeran wa nazeeraa bayna yadayis saate Ash-hado annallaaha ne amar rabbo wa ash-hado anna Muhammadan ne-amar Rasoolo wa ash-hado anna Aliyan ne-amal valiyo wa annal jannata haqqun, wan naara haqqun, wal mawta haqqun, wal baasa haqqun, wal meeezaana haqqun was siraata haqqun wa annas saata aatiyatun laa raiba feehaa wa annallaaha yabaso man fil quboor. Allaa humma salle alaa Muhammadin wa alla aale Muhammadin kamaa sallaita wa sallamta wa baarakta wa rahimta wa tarahhamta alaa Ibhraheema wa alaa aale Ibhraaheema fil aalameena. Innaka Hamidun majeed. As-salaamo alaika ayyuhan nabiyyo wa rahmatullaahe wa barakaatuh. As-salaaoo alaynaa wa alaa. ibaadil laahis saaleheene. Allaa hummagh firlee wa le waaledayya warham humaa kamaa rabbayaanee sagheeraa.
As salamo alaikum wa rah-matullaalhe wa barakaatuh. As-salaamo alaikum wa rahmatullaahe wa barakaatuh.
Subhaana rabbeka rabbil izzate ammaa yasefoon, wa salaanunalal mursaleen, wal hamdo lillaahe rabbil aalameen, watabaa rakallaaho ahsanulkhaaleqeen, wa laa hawla wa laa quvwata illaa billaahilaliyil azeem. Rabbanaa taqabbal minnaa salaatanaa wa. duaa-anaa yaa rebbanaayaa mawlaanaa innaka antas samiul aleem. Wa laa tadhrib behimaa wujoohanaa yaa ilaahal aalameen, wa yaa khairan naasereen berahmateka yaa arhama raahemeen. Allaa humma salle alaa Muhammadin wa alaa a ale Muhamaadin wa baarik wa sallim.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, All praises, and good attributes are for Allah only. Whatever is good, clean, pure arid virtuous is attributable to Allah and whatever is unclean, wicked and evil is attributable to other than Allah. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah Who has no partner and Who is the only One. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger whoa he has sent with guidance and true religion giving good tidings to the believers and warning the unbelievers of their fate on the day of reckoning. I bear witness that Allah is a wonderful Lord giving us sustenance, that Muhammad is a wonderful messenger and Ali is a wonderful saint and that paradise, hell, death, resurrection, the scale of justice and the straight paths are all realities, that the day of reckoning will undoubtedly come and that Allah will raise the dead from their graves. 0 Allah send blessing upon Muhammad and his progeny just as Thou didst upon Ibhraaheem and his progeny. Indeed Thou art kind and praiseworthy. Peace be upon you 0 prophet and the blessings of Allah upon you. Also peace be upon us and the virtuous subjects of Allah. 0 Allah forgive, me and my parents and treat them with the same kindness as they showed to me when they brought me up from my
Peace and kindness and blessings of Allah be upon you.
0 Muhammad glory to your Lord, the Almighty whose attributes are un describable. Our salutations to all the apostles and all praises to Allah, the Sustainer of all the Universes and the most exquisite Creator. There is no power except that of Allah, the Mighty, the Great. 0 Lord accept our prayers and our supplications because Thou hearest us and knowest us. Do not reject our prayers 0 Sustainer of the Universes and do not deny us help 0 the Greatest of Helpers. We seek Thy blessings because Thou art most Merciful.
Alla humma salli alaa Muhaaadin wa alaa ale Mohamadin wa barek wasallim. Allaa humma innee ataqar-rabo ilaika beka wa be mavlaanaa Muhammadinil Mustafaa nabiyyika wa be mavlaanaa Aliyinil Murtazaa asaasil imaamate wa wasiyyihee wa waliyyika wa be mavlaatenaa Faatemataz Zahraa-e binte Nabiyyika wa mavlaanal Hasane wa mavlaanal Huseinel lmaamaine sibtay nabiyyika wa mavlaanaa Aliyibnil Husein Zainil Aabedeen, wa mavlaanaa Muhammad ibne Aliyinil Baaqire Uloomad-deen wa mavlaanaa Jaafar ibne Muhamaadinis Saadiqil Ameen wa mavlaanaa Ismaa-eel ibne Jaafarin sulaalatil ghurril mayaameen wa mavlaana Muhammad ibne Ismaa-eel saabe-il mutimeen wa bil aimmatit taahereen as-salaasatil mastooreen umaraa-il mumeneen mavlaanaa Abdillaah ibne Muhamaad wa mavlaana Ahmad ibne Abdillaah wa mavlaanaa al Husein ibne Ahmad wa bil qa-emeena min naslehim val.munsalleena min aakaabihim arbaabiz zuhoor wa arbaaid duhoor wal ulamaa-e-be khafiyaatil umoor mavlaanaa Abdillaahil imaamil Mahdiye beka wa mavlaana Muhammadinil Qaa-eme be amreka wa mavlaanaa Isma-eelal Mansoor be nasreka wa mavlaanaa Maddenil Moizze le deeneka wa mavlaanaa Nizaarinil Azize beka wa mavlaanal Huseinil Haakime be amreka wa mavlaanaa Aliyiniz Zahire le ezaaze deeneka wa mavlaanaa Maadinil Mustansire beka wa mavlaana Ahmadal Musta-ali be sultaane kalemaateka wa mavlaanal Mansoore abi aliyinil Aamire be ahkaamika wa be maadinil fakhre wal fazle mavlaanaa Imaamit Tayyebe abil Qaasime ameeril mumeneen. salawaatoka alaihe wa. alaa ahle baitihit taahereen wa abnaa-ehil akrameenal muntazereen ilaa yawmid-deen. Allaa humma innee ataqarrabo ilaika behim wa atawaa lahum wa abrao ilaika min aadaa-ehizm. Allaa hummahshurnee ma-ahum wa sabbitnee alaa taa-atehim wajalnee behim indaka wajeehan. wa sa-eedan fid-dunya wal aakherete wa minal muqarrabeen. Ash-hedo Allaa humma be haqaa-eqil ikhlaas wa sidqil yaqeen annahum khulafaa-oka fee ardheka wa hujajoka alaa khalqika wal wasaa-elo ilaika wa, abwaabo rahmatika salawaatoka alaihim ajma-een.
Alla-ho Akbar 33 times
Al-humdolillah 33 times
Subhanallah 33 times
Allaa hummagh firlee ma qaddamto wa maa akkharto wa ma asrarto wa maa aalanto wa maa anta aalamo behee minnee, antal muqaddemo wa antal muakh-khero laa ilaaha illaa anta, alaika tawakkalto wa ilaika uneeb. Allaa humma innee as-aloka min kulle khairin ahaata behi ilmoka wa aoozo beka min kulle sharrin ahaata behi ilmoka. Allaa humma innee as-alokal aafiyata fee umoree kullehaa wa asta-eezo beka min khizyid duniya wa min azaabil aakherate. Innaka alaa kulle shayin qadeer.
La ilaha Illalah once
Aayatul Kursi once
0 Allah forgive my sins and omissions, past and present, hidden 'or apparent, since Thou knowest everything better than I do. I believe that there is no God but Thee. I depend upon Thee and turn towards Thee. 0 Allah I seek from Thee all the good that Thou knowest of and under Thy protection seek to be kept away from all evils that Thou knowest of. 0 Allah bestow upon me peace and success in all my affairs. I seek refuge before Thee from disgrace in this world and from the punishment in the hereafter. Indeed Thou hast power to do everything.
Bismilla hir Rahmaa nir Raheem
Bisaillaa hillazi laa ilaaha illaa huwa aalemul ghaibe wash shahaadate huwar rahmaanur raheen. Allaa humma azhib annil hamma wal hazana wal fitana kullahaa maa zahara minhaa. wa batana.
Bismilla Hir Rahmaanir Raheem
Istam-sakto be-urwatillaahil wusqal-latee lan fisaama lahaa waa-tasamto be hablil laahil maateen. Aoozo billaahe min. sharre shayaa-teenil inse wal jinne aoozo billaahe min sharre fasaqatil Arabe wal Ajme, hasbiyallaaho tawakkalto alallaahe aljaato zahree filallahe wa talabto haajatee minal laahe. Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaahil aliyil azeem, Allaa hummajal lee nooran fee qalbee wa nooran fee sam-ee, wa nooran fee basaree wa nooran fee shaaree wa nooran fee basharee wa nooran fee damee wa nooran fee lahmee wa nooran fee izaamee wa nooran fee asabee wa nooran mim baine yadayya wa nooran min khalfee wa nooran an yameenee wa nooran an shimaalee wa nooran min fawqee wa nooran min tahtee wa nooran, fee qabree. Allaa humma aazim lee nooran wa jazalan wa hubooran wa ne-amatan wa surooran. Inna fee khalqis samaavaate wal ardhe wakhtilaa-fil-laile wan nahaare la-aayaatin le ulil-albaabil lazina yazkuroo-nallaaha qiyaaman wa qu-udan wa alaa junoobehim wa yatafak-karoona fee khalqis samaavaate wal ardhe. Rabbanaa maa khalaqta hazaa baatelau. Subhaanaka fa-qena azaaban naar. Rabbanaa innaka man tudkhil -naar fa-qad akhzaitahu wa maa liz-zaalemeena min ansaar. Rabbanaa innanaa same-anaa munaadiyan yunaadee lil-imaane an aamenoo
In the name of Allah other than whom there is
no God. He knows what is hidden and what is apparent. He is the most Beneficent and merciful.. 0 Allah remove from us all our sorrows and griefs and save us from all the evils surrounding us whether apparent or hidden...
I hold fast to Allah's support which will neither diminish nor will it ever fail me. I seek Allah's protection from the evils of the devils not only amongst human beings but also amongst the 1 jinns' and I seek refuse before Allah from the evils of discrimination like- Arabs and non-Arabs. Indeed Allah's support IS enough for me hence I put my trust in Him and I seek fulfilment of all my genuine desires from Him. There is no power other than Allah, the High the Great. 0 Allah let there be for me light in my heart, in my ears, in my eyes, in my tongue, in my hair, in my skin, in my blood, in my flesh, in my bones, in my veins, in front of me, behind me, left of me, right of me, above me, under me and in my grave. 0 Allah give me plenty of light with happiness, comfort, prosperity and cheerfulness. Indeed in the creation of the skies and the earth and in the succession of day and night there are lessons to learn for the wise, who remember Allah all the time, whether standing, sitting or lying down, and who ponder over the creation of the universe. [They say '0 Allah Thou hast not created all this in vain but that there is a purpose behind it. Thou art indeed beyond any criticism. Deliver us 0 Lord Sustainer from the punishment of the Fire since we know that whosoever deserves the Tire is utterly disgraced and lost, and the tyrants in particular will receive no help from anyone. 0 Lord we are amongst those who, when called towards faith in Allah, responded unhesitatingly arid became believers. So 0 Lord Sustainer forgive our sins and save US from all evils and herald us on our death in the company of the virtuous.
be rabbekum fa-aamannaa rabbanaa fagh-fir lanaa zunoobanaa wa kaffir anaa sayye-aatenaa wa tawaffanaa ma-alabraar.Rabbanaa wa aatenaa maa wa-adtanaa alaa rusuleka wa laa tukhzenaa yawmal qiyaame innaka laa tukhliful mee-aad.
Bismilla Hir Rahmaanir Raheem
Allaa humma salle alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aale Muhammadin wa baarik wa sallim. Allaa humma innaa nahmaduka wa nasta-eenoka wa nastagh-feroka wa numeno beka wa natawakkalo alaika, nusnee alaikal khair nashkuroka wa laa nakrforoka, makh-dhao laka wa nakh-shao laka, wa nakh-taleo mimman yafjoroka. Allaa humma iyyaaka naabudo wa laka nusallee wa nasjodo wa ilaika nas-aa wa nahfado narju rahmataka wa nakh-shaa azaabakal Jidda inna azaabaka bil kaafereena mulhaqun, Allaa humma azzibil kaafereena wal munaa-feqeena wal jaahedeena le awliyaa-eka min ahle baite nabiyyikal a-immatit taahereen wal hudaatir raashedeen. Allaa hummagh-firlee wa le waaledayya wa lil-mumeneena wal mumenaate wa asleh. zaata bainehim wajal fee quloobihimil imaana wal hikmata wa allif kallematahum wa sabbithum alaa taa-ateka wansurhum alaa aa-daeka. Allaa hummah-denee feeman hadaita wa aafenee feeman aafaita wa tawallanee feeman tawallaita wa qinee yaa rabbe sharra maa qasaita, innaka taqdee wa laa yuqdaa alaika, innahn laa yazillo man waalayta wa. laa ya-izzo man aa-dayta tabaarakta rabbanaa wa taa-laita, laa ilaaha illaa anta, astagh feroka yaa rabbe wa atoobo ilaika. Allaa humma-jalnee minat tawaa-beena wajalnee minal mutatah-hereen.
0 Lord give us also the blessings Thou hast promised Thy messengers. Promise US 0 Allah not to disgrace us on the Day of Judgment and we know that Thou would never break Thy promise
0 Allah send blessings upon Muhammad and his progeny. 0 Allah we praise Thee, we seek Thy help, we believe in Thee, we put all our trust in Thee, we utter the best words for Thee, we thank Thee and we are not ungrateful to Thee. We submit to Thee and keep away from those who rebel against Thee. 0 Allah we worship none but Thee, we prostrate before Thee and we crave for nearness to Thee. We approach Thee expecting Thy mercy and fearing Thy punishment which is bound to overtake the unbelievers. 0 Allah d not punish us like the unbelievers, and the hypocrites and all those who fight against Thy saints and messengers and the imams from the family of the prophet. 0 Allah forgive me and my parents and the believers, men and women, give Thy help in improving relations amongst themselves, fill their hearts with true belief and wisdom, create respect and honour for them, keep them steadfast in Thy obedience and help them against Thy enemies. 0 Allah guide me as Thou didst guide others and give me health as Thou didst give it to others; love me as Thou didst love others and spare me 0 Lord the evil consequences Thou might have decreed for me. Surely Thou can change what is in store for me. Indeed no one who Thou hast made a friend can be disgraced and no one can secure honour if he has chosen to be Thy enemy. Thou art indeed Almighty and High and there is no God but Thee. I seek Thy forgiveness and turn towards Thee in repentance. 0 Allah make me one of those who sincerely repent and those who are pure and virtuous.
Sajada wajhee lillazi khalaqahu wa sawwarahu wa shaqqa sam-ahu wa basarahu. Allaa humaa yaa moizza kulle zaleelin salle alaa Muhammadin wa alaa aale Muhammadin kamaa anta ahluhu wa hum beka ahluhu salawaatuka alaihim ajma-een.
I lay my face in prostration to Allah, Who created it and shaped it so and gave ears to listen and eyes to see. 0 Allah, the Giver ofhe downtrodden, send Thy blessings upon Muhammad and his progeny in the manner they deserve.
Recitation of Suratul Faateha (Al-Hamdo) is compulsory in every rakaat whether in Fardh, Sunnat or Naafil. In addition recite any other chapter from Quran but not in the third and fourth rakaats of Fardh.
Qul aoozo be rabbin naas. Malekin naas. Ilaahin naas. Min sharrel vaswaas. Alkhannas Al-lazi yo vasveso fee sudoorin naas. Minal -jinnate wan naas.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful,
Say: I seek refuge in the lord of mankind. The King of man kind. The God of
Mankind. From the evil of
the sneaking whisperer. Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind. Of the jinn and of mankind.
Qul aoozoobe rabbil falaq. Min sharre maa khalaq. Wa min sharre ghaa-seqin izaA waqab. Wa Min sbarrin naffaa-saate fil uqade. Wa min sharre haasedin izaa hasad.
In In the name of Allah, the Beeneficent the Merciful.
Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak. From the evil of that which He created. From the evil of the darkness when it is intense. And from the evil of malignant witchcraft. And from the evil of the envier when he envieth.
Qul huwa-llaaho ahad. Allahus Samad. Lam yalid. Wa lam yulad. Wa lam yakun lahu kufowan ahad.
Tebbat yadaa abi lahabin wa tabba. Maa aghnaa anho maaluhu wa maa kasab. Sayaslaa naaran zaata lahabin. Wa amratuhu hammalatal hatabe. Fee jeedehaa hablun min masad.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the merciful.
Say:He is Allah, the One Allah, the eternally Besought
of all! He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is non comparable unto Him.
In the naae of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful.
The power of Abu Lahab will perish, and he will perish. His wealth and gains will not exempt him. He will be plunged in flaming fire. And his wife, the woodcarrier. Will have upon her neck a halter of palm fibre.
Izaa Jaa-a nasrullahe wal fataho. Wa ra-aytan naasa yadkhuloona fee deenil-laahe afwafaajan. Fa sabbeh be hamde- rabbeka wastaghfirho innahu kaana tawwaabaa.
Qul yaa ayyohal kaaferoon. Laa aabudo maa taabudoon. Wa laa antum aabedoona maa aabud, Wa laa ana aabedun maa abadtum. Wa laa antum aabedoona 'maa aabud. Lakun deenuknm we liya deen.
In the name of Allah,
When Allah’s succour and the triumph cometh, And thou seest mankind entering the religion of Allah, in troops. Then hymn: the praises of the Lord, and seek forgiveness of Him.Lo! He is ever readv to show mercy.
In the .name' of Allah., the ….M
Say: 0 disbelievers! I worship not that which ye worship. Nor worship ye that which I worship. And I shall not worship that which ye worship. Nor will ye worship that which I worship. Unto you your religion, end unto me my religion.
Innaa aataynaa kal kausar. Fa-salle le rabbeka wanhar. Inna shaa-neaka huwal abtar.
A-ra-aytal lazi yukazzebo bid-deen. Fa zaalikal lazi yadu-ul yateem. Wa laa yahuddo alaa ta-aamil miskeen. Fa-waylun lil musalleen. Al-lazeena hum an salaatehim saahoon. Al-lazeena hum yuraa-oona. Wa yam naunal maa-oon.
Le eelaafe quraishin. Eelaa fehim rehlatash-shitaae was-saif. Fal-yaabudoo rabba haazal bait. Al-lazze atamahum min jooin, wa aamanahum min khawf.
A lam: tara kaifa faala rabboka be ashabil feel. A lam yaj al kaidahum fee tedleel. Wa arsala alaihim tayran abaabeel. Tarmeehim be hijaaratin min sijjil. Fa-jaalahum ka-asfin makool.
In the name of Allah, ….,
Lol We have given thee Abundance. So pray unto thy Lord, and sacrifice. Lo! It is thy insulter (and not thou) who is without Posterity
In the name of Allah, the ….
Hast thou observed him who belieth religion? That is he who repelleth the orphan. And urgeth no the feeding of the needy. Ah, woe unto worshiper Who are heedless of their prayer. Who would be seen (at worship). yet refused small kindnesses!
In the name of Allah, the ….
For the timing of Qureysh. For their taming (We cause) the caravans to set forth in winter and summer. So let them worship the Lord of this House. Who hath fed them against hunger; and hath made them safe from fear.
In the name of Allah, ….
Hast thou not seen how thy Lord dealt with the owners of the Elephant. Did He not bring their stratagem to naught. And send against them swarms of flying creatures. Which pelted them with stones of baked clay. And made them like green crops devoured (by cattle]?
Vaylun le kulle homaazatil lomazah. Nil lazi jama-a malan wa addadahu. Yahsabo anna maalahu akhladah. Kalla la-yun bazanna fil-hutamah. Wa maa adraaka mal hutamah. Naarul laahil muqadah. Allati tattaleo alal af-edah. Innahaa alaihim moosadatun. Fee amadin mumaddadah.
name In In the name of Allah, the ….
Woe uWoe unto every slandering traducer. Who hath hath gathered wealth (of this world) and
arrangarranged it. He thinketh that his wealth will rendrender him Immortal. Nay, but verily he will be flung to the Consuming One. Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Consuming One is! (It is) the fire of Allah, kindled. Which leapeth up over the hearts (of men). Lo it is closed in on them. In outstretched columns.
Wal asre. Innal insaana la fee khusrin. Illal-lazeena aamanoo wa amelus-saalehaate wa tawaasav bil haqqe, wa tavaasav bis-sabr.
In the name of Allah, the …...
By the declining day. Lo! man is in a state of loss. Save those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one another to endurance.
Al-haakumut takaasur. Hattaa zurtumul maqaabir. Kallaa sawfa taalamoon. Summa kallaa sawfa taalamoon. Kallaa lav taalamoona ilmal yaqeen. La-tarawunnal jaheem. Summa la-tarawunnahaa aynal yaqeen. Summa la-tusalunna yavma-ezin anin na-eem.
Al-qaare-ato. Mal qaa-reah. Wa maa adraaka mal qaa-reah. Yavma yakoonun naaso kal farashil mabsoos. Wa. takoonul jibaalo kalehnil manfoosh. Fa ammaa man saqolat mawaazeenuhu. Fa huva fee eeshatin raashiya. Wa amma man; khaffat mawazaanuhu. Fa ummuhu maawiyah. Wa maa adraaka maahiya. Naroon hamiyah.
In the name of Allah, the ….
Rivalry in worldly increase distracteth ye. Until ye come to the graves. Nay, but ye will come to know! Nay, but ye will come to know! Nay, would that ye knew (now) with a sure knowledge! For ye will behold hellfire. Aye, ye will behold it with sure vision. Then, on that day, ye will be asked concerning pleasure.
In the name of Allah, the …. Merciful.
The Calamity. What is the Calamity? Ah what will convey unto thee what the Calamity is! A day wherein mankind will be as thickly scattered mothe. And the Mountains will become as carded wool. Then, as for him whose scales are heavy (with good works), He will live a pleasant Life, .but as for him whose scales are light. The Bereft and Hungry. One will convey unto thee what she is! Raging fire.
what about the duas that are to be prayed after the namaz, which the mullasahebs pray during the Ramadhan month
ReplyDeleteThis is a noble gesture from Zenuddin Dohadwala to put this material here for the benefit of all our brothers and sisters.
ReplyDeleteI would like to ask him if he has made all the translations himself from Arabic to English or whether he has copied them from another source with some slight editing.
If he has taken the translation from another source then he should be honest and acknowledge and quote the original source. Not doing so is plagiarism. Stealing credit for someone else's work is a sin and we have to answer to Allah for all our sins.
If bhai Zenuddin has indeed made the translation himself then let him claim so and I will have great respect for him as an Arabic scholar because this work is indeed of a very high quality
For Gods sake.
ReplyDeleteIf someone does not know how to read arabic, the better option is to start learning it.
We are talking about Quran. Pray it if you respect it. If you repsect it, first learn to read it. YOU have to adapt to it and NOT make Quran adapt to your language.
REMEMBER : There is no age for learning.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteBr. Hamid Luqman;
ReplyDeleteYes, it is not my original work but the copy I have is many years old, no name is written. It took many months for me to check and correct spellings, phones etc. I have not claimed to be the original author but editor of the write-up. If I will come across the name of the original author, I will be glad to post it.
Bahen Fatema:
The Doa Mullah saheb recites after the farz namaz in the month of Ramadan is Quaran's Iyets. You can refer to Surah 2, ayet 185.
Mustafa: I have nothing to add; it is not Quran, but Namaz. Please tell who do not know Arabic to start praying Namaz using this English text and start learning Arabic too.
Salaam Baad,
However Bhai please delete this blog if you dont have permissions from any authorized person like aamil etc.
Also I did not go through all your contents but I found mistake in the first niyat of Zoher Asar itself.
You Blogged "Zohor and Asar;
Allaa hummaa innee navayto haaza tahooree le salaatiz zohre val asre wa le kulle salaatin
correction it is "tahooree haaza "
my advice to all mumeneen is to refrain from any of these types of english translations the pronunciation will be pathetic any will lose its original meaning please please recite only from arabic scripts
ReplyDeleteIt is more sinful to tell our brothers not to do namaz unless they learn Arabic. If they pray namaz using this English text and understanding the meaning what they pray, they will more forcefully learn Arabic too at their own pace.
ReplyDeleteEven Bohras, who hardly pray full namaz,but if they learn the real meaning, at least they will pray it more often. My mission is to convince Bohras to take their Namaz seriously and pray regularly. I do not think, I am wrong.
You are doing great job dear....god bless you
DeleteSubhan Allah. Thanks for sharing this "zenuddin dahodwala." I prefer performing Vazu and Namaz in Arabic language but I always wanted to know the meaning of what I am reciting. Thank you once again:)
DeleteIn 2020, I highly recommend your work. Understanding the meaning is the most important aspect of praying. 5 words which you understand are better than 5 books which you don't.
Deletethis indeed is a courageous gesture of mr zenuddin. it is very logical to pray namaz or quran in language one understand instead praying in a language which one dont understand. many people within the community have felt this but mr zennudin had the time to dedicate and the courage to do it. religion is about faith and as u see the translation it emphasise on faith and faith is very personal, it cannot be enforced. those who feel that it is against religion to pray quran or namaaz in only arabic, they should do it but not enforce on others and be honest enough to learn the language completely coz in our community many ppl know to read but without knowing the meanings which means nothing. religion is not about degree certificates that read 10 time and this many marks without understanding a bit of it. those who feel dont have time and willingness to study arabic- is the best way to pray namaaz and quran in language one understand. this has been practised in christianity,hinduism which makes sense.
ReplyDeletemr zenudding has made it on the blog, means this is not a propietary - the persons with correct knowledge can always come and post the right things if anything missing or with error and educate those who really need right guidance.quran has the right guidance for people from religion to personal relationships to economics to biz to countryhood u name it and it should be understand in any language possible.
Thanks Br. Fidaali for supporting my cause whole heartily. I was having similar thoughts when I started this project. It is always good to learn Arabic to understand Islam and its ideology more correctly but if you have not learned that language and if you are not even Muslim, that does not mean that you should not read the preaching of Islam in other language? Even Muslims, who can read Arabic but cannot understand meaning, should at least read translation and than see how seriously, he or she will perform Namaz. Namaz will become his/her source of Taqua and blessings; rather than a routine exercise. Please keep your mind open and learn as much as you can from Namaz, Quran and any other good books.
ReplyDeletePls can some one send me niyat for ghusl Jannabat
this is amazing..
ReplyDeletemany many thanks i have been searching this for last 10 years ..
speacial thanks
ReplyDeleteSubhaan Allah! I was Finding This For So Long THnks Zenuddin Dahodwala!! I only Find Sunni Namaz Translation On the net Finally i Got The BOhri!!!!! THNKS ONCE AGAIN DUDE U ROCK!
ReplyDelete@Fidaali...And Every One Else.................... Dude U gotta pray in arabic Bcause NO ENGLISH OR ANY OTHER LANGUAGE TRANSLATION CAN COME AS CLOSE as THE ARABIC ONE..
ReplyDeleteDear Zenuddin Uncle,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for these posts! They are so helpful!
I was hoping you could also post outlines of namaaz.
For example: how many rakaats? and when to pray what?
I am particularly confused on fajr. do we pray fajr first or sunaat? how many rakaats? when do we pray istumsukto? etc. etc.
I have all the prayers and can read arabic - i just need clarification on namaaz order and outline of prayers.
Thank you so much! This is a great refresher to me as a late-teen bohri! I don't quite remember much of my madrasa and am too embarrased to ask how to pray at this point.
Anyways, god bless you.
Khuda tamnay ghani barakat apay!
you are helping many kids!
This is very good stuff of Namaz,its good to offer prayer with understanding what you are speaking and this is good source to understand translation however if you have any doubt then you need to cross verify the same from other sources as well but do undertsnad what you are saying in arabic in namaz as well as in Qu'ran.
ReplyDeleteKhuda Hafiz
Hashim Ashkiwala
Can You Describe About 12 rakat 24 salam namaz?? i mean washaik namaz ? plsh i am 7 year old n am lil confused..
ReplyDeleteThanks for several positive feedback. Regarding few questions raised, I would like to reply as follows:
In fajr namaz and any other namaz, sunnat namaz always comes first following farj. For actual namaz action and numbers etc. there are several literature available on internet including bohras shaifa,also there is very little different between Sunni and Bohra Namaz as far as action and numbers of rakat and salams are concerned. Regarding vasheq namaz; it is similar to nafelat namaz and it is being prayed on several important nights, only by bohras.
While on the subject, may I request all readers to please make a copy of this important namaz chapter and read it before the month of Ramdan at least once. Your Ramdan prayers will surely become an eye opener to you and you will feel utmost peace and satisfaction during this holly month. Also, if you can, please pass this namaz translation to your friends and relatives before and during the holly month of Ramdan; surely you will receive zaja e khair from the Almighty. People are sending 10-100 in groups; hope you will do too. I may get a little piece of pie from your good deeds.
Dear Mr. Zenuddin,
DeleteYour hard work is appreciated..
Sir, can you plz. help me with sunnat niyyat? I have search the max for sunnat niyyat but could not find it.
2ndly, is Istam-sakto be-urwatillaahil wusqal-latee (Dua) is the one where we place our right hand with support of naval and DUA-E-QUNOOT is prayed standing with both hands facing face before going for rukhu sujudh
Your reply will be appreciated
Was Salaam
what about that duas which janab read after namaz in ramzan.
ReplyDeletewill u plz describe the rakats of sunnat & farz namaz so it will be helpful to all the followers.
ReplyDeletefor ex:in farj farz:2 rakats
some time janab saab moto tashaud padhe che te vakt aam kem padhe che kabaitul saajad immauml Taiyeb.?
ReplyDeletebhai, Firstly I need to commend you for your effort which I am sure will benefit a lot of people like me. However to know the right talaffuz I would like to request if you could guide me to any dawoodi bohra website or if you might have yourself any audio material for all that you have posted.
ReplyDeleteZenuddin Bhai,
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for this. but can u please also help us with the surats to be recited in between namaz?
Dear Reader,
DeleteDid you get the reply to your question even i want to know the answer
Plz. reply me on ali_makda@yahoo.co.in
A fazil month of Ramadan is on the corner; May I request you all readers to please send this link to your relatives, friends and young boys and girls to at least read the meaning of our Namaz and think twice whether it is worth to pray NAMAZ not only in Ramadan but every day.
ReplyDeleteA fazil month of Ramadan is on the corner; May I request you all readers to please send this link to your relatives, friends and young boys and girls to at least read the meaning of our Namaz and think twice whether it is worth to pray NAMAZ not only in Ramadan but every day.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletebhai can u send me the salam we read in roza of karbala n najaf. fatem8852@hotmail.com is my id
ReplyDeleteExcellent work. Bhai can you plz tell me where can I find Daim al Islam book in Urdu or English?
ReplyDeleteGood job ..very useful to youngsters ..
ReplyDeleteguess this is not the right forum where namaaz and wuzu should be discussed and learned.
ReplyDeleteDear Zainuddin bhai, you have great ambitions and aspirations to make youngsters(who spent lot of their time on the internet) aware of the intricacies and the meaning of namaaz and wuzu...I appreciate. But at the same time, please bear in mind that you should not be writing all such stuff on blog where any one and every one can come to say whatever they want to say. Moula and people with moula's raza mubarak has the right and the power to perform all these things. Teachings taken from them have barakat in it.
It is my request to you to remove this page and any such information which you might have posted on the internet without moulana's raza mubarak. These are for sure going to hamper relegious thoughts and beleifs of youngsters in long run.
Such pages become ready reference for a group of people and then start demeaning the actual source of ilm which we all know who is.
You are a pompous man if you believe in morula being the only one to give raza to people to perform good. He is not a prophet or a messenger or imam. He is nothing.
DeleteWell said dear
DeleteSeriously? That’s wrong on so many levels especially when someone has simple genuine efforts to spread the word of God! As a Canadian Bohra I say shame on you!! Mr Mohammed Bohra! Stop bringing politics in religion and faith 💫🙏🏼
DeleteHow does it hamper religious thought?
ReplyDeleteIt explains the meanings succinctly and as you said you appreciate that!
I personally don't think religion is about exclusivity and proving one upmanship ...
It is about prayer and understanding faith in Allah...and this blog should not be deleted but celebrated as a good gesture through this very forum which is open and were you , me and zen Bhai have freedom of expression...
Sallam baad, Its a great work zenuddinbhai, I would like to inform all of u that I have brought english translated book of wuzu and namaz and all surah from Bhuranpur ( book store ) and is available at most of place(jamnagar, taherabaad, a'bad and many more). But would suggest all of u to just go and tell to ur Amilsaheb abt it , so they can arrange a special class for peop like us. Remember their is no age to learn, we can learn all our life, just this 1 st step is very hard but then everything will b fine, after reading all comment, I felt why not learn. So i have decided to learn and hope Allah give co urage to everyone to take this step,
ReplyDeletei wanted to know if its necessary to recite waqulil humdo before azaan or its not mandatory
ReplyDeleteAppreciate the effort... I was looking for meanings of namaz for sometime...ally my prayers were answered. Thankyou. May this information stays in safe hands.
ReplyDeleteHello Bhai,
ReplyDeleteI want to know the different types of Ghusl/Ghusul. When they are to be performed and their Niyyat.
Please send me where can I find Daim al Islam book in hindi or English?
ReplyDeleteAbout 97,200 results (0.50 seconds)
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Amazon.com: Ismail K. Poonawala: Books
The Pillars of Islam: Muamalat: Laws Pertaining to Human Intercourse (Vol. II) (Oxford India Paperbacks) by Ismail K.H. Poonawala and Asaf A. A. Fyzee (May 31 ...
Amazon.com: Ismail Poonawala: Books
1-12 of 13 results for Books : "Ismail Poonawala" ... II) (Oxford India Paperbacks) by Ismail K.H. Poonawala and Asaf A. A. Fyzee (May 31, 2007). (2) ...
Ismail K. Poonawala - Book Search - Barnes & Noble.com
Barnes & Noble
The Last Years of the Prophet by Ismail K. Poonawala: Book Cover. A new copy is not ... History of Al-Tabari (SUNY Series in Near Eastern Studies) by Ismail K.
Ismail Poonawala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ismail Kurban Husein Poonawala (born January 7, 1937) is a professor of Arabic at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Department of Near ...
Dawoodi Bohras - Interview with Ismail K. Poonawala
Progressive Dawoodi Bohras
Oct 8, 2013 - Ismail Poonawala video interview ... Ismail Poonawala sahib, ... Contrary to above, every relevant Bohra books says: 1st, 2nd & 3rd gave ...
Dawoodi Bohras - Bohra literature
Progressive Dawoodi Bohras
Ismail K. Poonawala to Syedna Sijistani's book. He has kindly made this book (a scanned copy) available to the public. Prof. Poonawala writes, "the book deals ...
Ismail K. Poonawala - UCLA Near Eastern Languages ...
University of California, Los Angeles
Ismail Kurbanhusein Poonawala. Professor of ... Books: Al-Sul?an al-Kha??ab:?ayatuhu wa-shi?ruhu [Al-Sultan al-Khattab: His Life and Poetry]. Cairo: Dar ...
Ismail Poonawala Books New, Rare & Used Books - Alibris ...
Alibris Marketplace has new & used books by Ismail Poonawala, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, out-of-print first editions, signed copies, and more.
BruinWalk : Ismail K Poonawala
www.bruinwalk.com › Professors › Near Eastern Languages
My feelings about the course i took with professor poonawala are perfectly ... had a terrible boring structure of the class (each read a book and reported back like ...
Ismail Poonawala - Goodreads
Ismail Poonawala is the author of The History of Al-Tabari, Volume 9 (4.00 avg rating, 5 ratings, ... Goodreads: Book reviews, recommendations, and discussion.
Sajdo Tu Har Pal Karje Baari Taa'ala Ne
ReplyDeleteSau Viyast Che Ahinya, Gardan Zukawwama
Naa Koima Che Himmat, Mastak Uthawwama
Modu to Thai Gayun Che, Sacha Khuda Ne Namwa
Pan Aaakhyu Che Baaki, Sacha Khuda Ne Namwa
Paisana Khel Kheli, Gundao Moh Kare Che
Momin Thai Ne Tu Kem, Aa Khelma Fase Che
Dawat Na Rehbaro No, Itihas Che Niralo
Naa Kar Kadi Utawal, Khota Khuda Ne Namwa
Daulat Agar Che Paase, Nek Kaam Ma Kharachje
Baaki To Aakherat Ma, Naa Maaf Koi Karse
Ramazan Ne Moharram, Mahina Ibaadatona
Ek Pal Pan Aa Dinoma, Khota Khuda Ne Namje
Kapda Safed Pehri, Naa Jaat Ne Chetarje
Papothi Saaf Thai Ne, Sacha Khuda Ne Milje
Great Blog :) Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeletePrayer Times for iPhone & Prayer Times for Android
Great information shared, Learning Quran for kids is very important thing for all muslims. We must teach each and every child Quran.
ReplyDeleteYou did not write the meaning of The Taqarrabo Dua after namaz.
ReplyDeleteWould be very helpful.
Simply, it is a doa to be closer to all these Imams whose names are recited in this doa, and get their shfa’at and blessings.
DeleteHi Zenuddin bhai,
ReplyDeleteThis is Hussain.I stay in south mumbai and my girlfriend wants to accepct our religion.But she is not comfortable goin to a janab and her misaaq is still not done.
Can u please assist me in getting a contact of someone in south mumbai where she can learn namaaz and complete islam.
The hard work put in here should be appreciated.
ReplyDeleteI although agree that the original text too should be there to preserve its sanctity.
Raza for this kind of hardwork is not mandated.
And will never come.
Good Job... very useful information will definitely help all
ReplyDeleteGreat work done zainuddinbhai. For someone who doesn't know how to read Arabic it's a blessing in disguise. May Allah bless you.
ReplyDeletevery very thx sir. I had improve my pronunciation
ReplyDeleteAli Asgar
ReplyDeleteSalaam can anyone help me regarding Fajr Qunoot if anyone dont know how to recite fajr qunoot what is the alternative instead pls reply
SubhanAllah three times
DeleteCan any one know the arabic original. Its better to translate but put the original arabic and then translate in whatever public wants.
ReplyDelete(Seventyros id) bhai said true that without aqa maula raza Mubarak its nothing benefited in true manner.and a kafir who said nothing in reply to exact below (seventyros id) bhai. he/she is nothing at all.
ReplyDeleteAre you Facing Mortgage foreclosure? Overwhelmed and drowning in credit card debt? Collection agencies won't leave you alone? IRS on your back? Losing sleep because of the stress and uncertainty of your financial situation? You are not alone. We understand your debt problems or should you need to start a business/project and we can help you. Contact us via email: royalworldfundings@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteTo whomesoever it may concern,
ReplyDeletePlease refrain from all these kinds of blogs. They are not authenticated in any manner. If you don't know Arabic please try to learn it. Making it adapt to other language is not the proper thing to do without raza. If you really want to learn its meanings so badly do attend the majlis that are held for this purpose or ask the aamil saheb of your residence area
Great work! I have been reading the Holy Quran in English since last 10 years or so , this is the first time I actually read the translation of the Namaz and Wudu in English. God Bless you my brother! I completely agree that when we know the meanings of the duas we recite everyday are prayers become more heartfelt and more passionate rather than just exercising the routine things without understanding the meaning. I urge all youngsters that they should all read the translations of Namaz and the Holy Quran in the language they are most comfortable in. And No there is absolutely no need to take permission from anyone as this is a matter of personal faith between you and your Allah. Keep the middlemen out as much possible for a pure consultation with Allah. Peace! Allah Hafiz
ReplyDeleteCan you also translate motisawalat in English and share please
ReplyDeleteThe translation to the iftar dua:
( Allahumma ya mu'ti-ussuwalaat )
Allah, O grantor of prayers
(Wa ya wali ar-raghabaat)
Custodian of desires
( Wa ya munaffisal kurubaat )
Dispeller of worries
( Wa ya kaafi al hammi wal ghammi; Ya hannaanu ya mannaan )
Protector from grief and distress; The Compassionate; Bestower of blessings
(Ya dhal jalaali wal ikraam )
Most Glorious and Most Generous
( Ya man 'aata khayra maa fee khazaa-enihil eemaana bihee qablas-sawaal )
One who dispenses imaan, the most precious gift from His treasures without even being asked
(Laa tamna'naa aqalla maa fee khazaa-enikal 'afwa ma'as-sawaal)
Do not withhold from us forgiveness, the lease of the gifts from your treasures, when we beseech you for it
(Ilaahi as-aluka an tusallee 'alaa Muhammadin wa 'alaa aali Muhammad)
My God, I invoke blessings upon Muhammad and upon the progeny of Muhammad
(Wa an taghfir lana wa an tarhamna wa an tu'aafeena min sakhatik)
Forgive us and shower Your mercy on us, and save us from Your wrath
(Wa 'an taqdhee 'annad-dayna bi rahmatik)
Help us discharge our debts with Your mercy
(Wa 'an tatooba 'alayna innaka antat-tawaabur raheem)
Forgive us; You are the most merciful forgiver
(Wa 'an taj'alanaa fee haadhal yawmi min 'utaqaa-ika, wa min tulaqaa-ika minan-naar)
Place us among those who are pious and among those whom You have saved from fire
(Wa 'an laa tushmit binaa 'uduwwan wa laa haasidan bi rahmatika ya arhamar raahimeen)
O most merciful, with Your mercy, do not let enemies, nor the jealous rejoice on account of our misfortunes
(Allahumma laka sumnaa wa bika aamanna wa 'alaa rizqika aftarnaa, fa taqabbal-hu minnaa)
Allah, we fasted for You, and we have faith in You and it is with Your bounty (rizq) that we break our fast. So accept this fast from us.
(Dhahabaz-zamaa-u wam talaa'atil 'urooq)
Thirst has vanished and body (literal: veins) is satiated
(Wa baqiya ajr-u insha Allahu ta'aala)
And the reward will come, if Allah wills
�� iltemas Ud Dua ��
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteBhai, I appreciate your effort in order to get those started to pray who does not know how to read Arabic and could be hesitating in learning especially once you are grown up or any other reason. This is a go start and sure with the barakat of Naamaz one will eventually learn the right way.
ReplyDeleteJazak Allah
great work indeed, I wonder why ppl give more importance to "proper channels". It's clearly mentioned that it just for translation, can never be a replacement of Arabic. This translation is written for a noble cause, to pray and remember Allah. As far as raza is concerned, it's a form a parental guidance we seek from an elder and nothing more. Our beloved moulana (long live syedna) is the fatherly figure having the right to guide us (equal in auda with our own parents), no where comparison with Prophet and Imam. Seek refuge to allah only and keep the line. Don't limit your knowledge. Ask from Allah alone (as mentioned in quran). Allah knows the best.
ReplyDeleteSalaam bhai I just wanted to know that which namaz is more important between this three "sunnah,nafil or tatawwa"?
ReplyDeleteIf someone haven't prayed sunnah or nafil after every farz namaz he still can pray for tatawwa?
Please reply.
Thanks and dua ma yaad.
As salam and Eid Mubarak to all.
ReplyDeleteHere is the link to watch "Dawoodi Bohra Dead Body Burial Manual.
Thank you for this. I have made certain edits to your post, if you have an email I can share the same.
ReplyDeleteThis is osm
ReplyDeleteChotu tasadu send jaro
ReplyDeleteWhy allahumma aqimmahaa was adimmahaa
ReplyDeleteWhere is allahumma rabbil dawateet taheerin was salateet qaemme before every farz niyyat.can you explain?
Please send me all duas and namaaz for ramdaan in Arabic text written in English.
ReplyDeleteCan some one pls guide Nisful Lail timmings ?? I want to pray Namaz " Matlab aane Muraad haasil karva ni Nammaz", this we have to pray at Jumma night Nisful Lail na waqt. Just want to can we start at 11.oo pm in the night ??
ReplyDeleteRight time to pray Nisf al-Lail starts from the exact time of when Zohr was prayed at daytime - the time of Zawal.
DeleteIt extends till one hour after that time.
After that - Niyyat has to be changed to Salat al-Lail for that very namaz and exact dua.
Nisful Lail no right time is the middle of the night; means half time between the sunset an sunrise. If that time is missed; it can be prayed up to the Farz but taking Niyyat of Lail. Also it can be prayed on any night not only on Jumma.
ReplyDeleteNisful Lail no right time is the middle of the night; means half time between the sunset an sunrise.
ReplyDeleteOnline Quran Aacdemy
Please change in niyat zoher and asar
ReplyDeletegusul ni niyat...su che
ReplyDeleteBhai namaz ni niyat chk kari ne correction karo.
ReplyDeleteAllaa hummaa innee navayto haaza tahooree le salaatiz zohre val asre wa le kulle salaatin
Allah-humma inni navaito tahoori haaza lesalaatiz ZOHARE wal ASRE wale-kulle salaateen ooslleeha
It seems typing error only
After sexual intercourse : Allahumma innee aghtaselo le ghuslil janabate bismillahe allah o akbar
ReplyDeleteWhen semen comes out in sleep : Allahumma innee aghtaselo le ghuslil ehtelame bismillahe allah o akbar
After completion of menstrual period : Allahumma innee aghtaselo le ghuslil haize bismillahe allah o akbar
When bleeding stops after the delivery of child : Allahumma innee aghtaselo le ghuslil nifase bismillahe allah o akbar
ReplyDeleteListen 4 Qul Shareef with heart touching voice just click ->> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-VhBIi5tpI
ReplyDeleteدُعَاؤُهُ بِالْعَافِيَةِ
When he Asked God for Well-Being
O God, bless Muhammad and his Household,
لَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد وَآلِهِ،
clothe me in Thy well-being, wrap me in Thy well-being,
وَأَلْبِسْنِي عَافِيَتَكَ، وَجَلِّلْنِي عَـافِيَتَكَ،
fortify me through Thy well-being, honour me with Thy well-being,
وَحَصِّنِّي بِعَـافِيَتِـكَ، وَأكْـرِمْنِي بِعَافِيَتِكَ،
free me from need through Thy well-being, donate to me Thy well-being,
وَأغْنِنِي بِعَافِيَتِكَ، وَتَصَدَّقْ عَلَيَّ بِعَافِيَتِكَ،
bestow upon me Thy well-being, spread out for me Thy well-being,
وَهَبْ لِي عَافِيَتَكَ، وَأَفْرِشْنِي عَافِيَتَكَ،
set Thy well-being right for me, and separate me not from Thy well-being
وَأَصْلِحْ لِي عَافِيَتَكَ، وَلا تُفَرِّقْ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَ عَافِيَتِكَ
in this world and the next!
فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالآخِرَةِ.
O God, bless Muhammad and his Household
أللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد وَآلِهِ،
and make me well with a well-being sufficient, healing, sublime, growing,
وَعَافِنِي عَافِيَةً كَافِيَةً شَافِيَةً عَالِيَةً نَامِيةً،
a well-being that will give birth to well-being in my body,
عَافِيَةً تُوَلِّدُ فِي بَدَنِي الْعَافِيَةَ،
a well-being in this world and the next!
عَافِيَةَ الدُّنْيَا والآخِرَةِ،
Oblige me through health, security, and safety in my religion and body,
وَامْنُنْ عَلَيَّ بِالصِّحَّةِ وَالأمْنِ وَالسَّلاَمَةِ فِي دِيْنِي
insight in my heart, penetration in my affairs, dread of Thee,
وَالْبَصِيرَةِ فِي قَلْبِي وَالنَّفَاذِ فِي أمُورِيْ وَالْخَشْيَةِ لَكَ،
fear of Thee, strength for the obedience which Thou hast commanded for me,
وَالْخَوْفِ مِنْكَ وَالْقُوَّةِ عَلَى مَا أَمَرْتَنِي بِهِ مِنْ طَاعَتِكَ
and avoidance of the disobedience which Thou hast prohibited for me!
ReplyDeleteand avoidance of the disobedience which Thou hast prohibited for me!
وَالاجْتِنَابِ لِمَـا نَهَيْتَنِي عَنْهُ مِنْ مَعْصِيَتِـكَ.
O God, oblige me through the hajj, the umra,
أللَّهُمَّ وَامْنُنْ عَلَيَّ بِالْحَجِّ وَالْعُمْرَةِ،
and visiting the graves of Thy Messenger (Thy blessings,
وَزِيَارَةِ قَبْرِ رَسُولِكَ صَلَوَاتُكَ عَلَيْهِ
mercy, and benedictions upon him and upon his Household)
وَرَحْمَتُكَ وَبَرَكَاتُكَ عَلَيْهِ وَعَلَى آلِهِ،
and the Household of Thy Messenger (upon them be peace) for as long as Thou
causest me to live,
وَآلِ رَسُولِكَ عَلَيْهِمُ السَّلاَمُ أَبَداً مَا أَبْقَيْتَنِي،
in this year of mine and in every year,
فِي عَامِي هَذَا وَفِي كُلِّ عَام،
and make that accepted, thanked, and mentioned before Thee
وَاجْعَلْ ذَلِكَ مَقْبُولاً مَشْكُوراً مَذْكُوراً لَدَيْكَ،
and stored away with Thee!
مَذْخُوراً عِنْدَكَ،
Make my tongue utter Thy praise, Thy thanksgiving, Thy remembrance, and Thy
excellent laudation,
وَأَنْطِقْ بِحَمْدِكَ وَشُكْرِكَ وَذِكْرِكَ وَحُسْنِ الثَّناءِ عَلَيْكَ
and expand my heart toward the right goals of Thy religion!
وَاشْرَحْ لِمَرَاشِدِ دِينِكَ قَلْبِي،
Give me and my progeny refuge from the accursed Satan,
وَأَعِذْنِي وَذُرِّيَّتِي مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيم
the evil of venomous vermin, threatening pests, swarming crowds, and evil
وَمِنْ شَرِّ السَّامَّةِ وَالْهَامَّةِ وَالْعَامَّةِ وَاللاَّمَّةِ
the evil of "every rebel satan" (22:3),
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ شَيْطَان مَرِيد ،
the evil of every refractory sovereign,
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ سُلْطَان عَنِيد ،
the evil of everyone living in ease and served,
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ مُتْرَف حَفِيد،
the evil of everyone weak or strong,
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ ضَعِيف وَشَدِيد،
the evil of everyone born high or low,
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ شَرِيف وَوَضِيع،
the evil of everyone small or great,
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ صَغِير وَكَبِير،
the evil of everyone near or far,
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ قَرِيْب وَبَعِيد،
the evil of every one, jinn or man, who declares war on Thy Messenger and
his Household,
وَمِنْ شَرِّ كُلِّ مَنْ نَصَبَ لِرَسُولِكَ وَلأهْلِ بَيْتِهِ حَرْبَـاً مِنَ
الْجِنِّ وَالإنْسِ،
and the evil of "every crawling creature that Thou hast taken by the
وَمِنْ شَرّ كُلِّ دَابَّة أَنْتَ آخِذٌ بِنَاصِيَتِهَا
Surely Thou art on a straight path"(ref.11:56).
إنَّكَ عَلَى صِرَاط مُسْتَقِيم.
O God, bless Muhammad and his Household
أللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد وآلِهِ
and if someone desires ill for me turn him away from me, drive away from me
his deception,
وَمَنْ أَرَادَنِي بِسُوء فَاصْرِفْهُ عَنِّي وَادْحَرْ عَنِّي مَكْرَهُ،
avert from me his evil, send his trickery back to his own throat,
وَادْرَأ عَنِّي شَرَّهُ، وَرُدَّ كَيْدَهُ فِي نَحْرِهِ،
and place before him a barricade, so that Thou mayest blind his eyes toward
وَاجْعَلْ بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ سَدّاً حَتَّى تُعْمِيَ عَنِّي بَصَرَهُ،
deafen his ears toward my mention, lock his heart toward recalling me,
وَتُصِمَّ عَنْ ذِكْري سَمْعَهُ، وَتُقْفِلَ دُونَ إخْطَارِي قَلْبَهُ،
silence his tongue against me, restrain his head,
وَتُخْرِسَ عَنَي لِسَانَهُ، وَتَقْمَعَ رَأسَهُ،
abase his exaltation, break his arrogance,
وَتُذِلَّ عِزَّهُ، وَتَكْسِرَ جَبَرُوتَهُ،
abase his neck, disjoint his pride,
وَتُذِلَّ رَقَبَتَهُ، وَتَفْسَخَ كِبْرَهُ،
and make me secure from all his injury,
وَتُؤْمِنَنِي مِنْ جَمِيْعِ ضَرِّهِ
his evil, his slander, his backbiting, his faultfinding, his envy,
وَشَرِّهِ وَغَمْزِهِ وَهَمْزِهِ وَلَمْزِهِ وَحَسَدِهِ
his enmity, his snares, his traps, his foot soldiers, and his cavalry!
وَعَدَاوَتِهِ وَحَبَائِلِهِ وَمَصَائِدِهِ وَرَجْلِهِ وَخَيْلِهِ
Surely Thou art Mighty, Powerful!
إنَّكَ عَزِيز قَدِيرٌ.
Please bhai send allaha humma haaza shaare ramzan with translation
ReplyDeleteI want dua e kamil translation from Arabic to English can u pls send
ReplyDeleteBhai Ramadan started please send the above mentioned dua
ReplyDeleteDear Sir, very informative blog for beginner but i found something missing is Very important Dua. Before Wazoo Istinja Dua has to be recited and then begin the Wazoo. Kindly post the Dua for your readers. Thank you
ReplyDeleteAs Salam per request of one brother, I am providing Doa we recite in the Month of Ramazan after every Faraz with english translation.
ReplyDeleteAllah humma inna haaza shahro Ramazan al lazee unzela feehil Quran, hudan lin naasa wa bayyennaatin minal hudaa wal furqan. Allah humma baarik lanaa fee shehre Ramazan wa ainnaa aalayhe wa taqabbalho minnaa innaka alaa kulle shayin Qadeer. Laa ilaha illallah astagferullah. Alla humma innee as alokaah jannata wa aoozo beka minan naar.
O Allah this is the month of Ramazan in which was revealed the Quran as a guidance to people with clear signs and arguments. O Allah increase Thy blessings upon us during this month, help us to observe its requirements and accept our Prayers and supplications. Indeed Thou has power over everything. There is no Allah other than the Thy. I seek forgivenness from the Allah. I ask Thee O Allah to include me among those deserving paradise and to excuse me from the Hell fire.
Please open the UTUBE files; Bohra Namaz Doa 'Sajada Wajhehi' (ii) Gujarati translation of Sajada Wajhehi (iii) Bohra Namaz Doa-Moulaya Moulaya with Gujarati translation (iv) Ramadan Doa 'Doaul bilaafiyah' English translation (v) Fajar ni Namaz Doa 'Istamsakto.." Gjarati Translation (vi) Fajar ni Namaj Doa "Unajika' with Gujarati Translation (vii) Fajar ni Namaz Doa 'after Unajika Doa' with Gujarati translation (viii) Link to open "Dawoodi Bohra Dead Body Burial Manual (ix) Fajar ni Namaz ni Kunud ni Doa with Gujarati Translation (x) Dawoodi Bohra Namaz "Dafiul Afaat" Doa with Gujarati Translation. Please listen and click the subscription. Ramazan Doa ma Yaad.
ReplyDeletePlease add this in front of this article. To perform Vuzu is a must and must be carried out perefctly.
ReplyDeleteBeginning of Vuzu
Cleaning of private parts with water performing massage. Recite the following Doa. Use clean and paak water for Vuzu.
Doa: Allah humma hashsin farji am maa shiyaka hatta laa aashiyaka allah hummastur avrati wagfir zallati.
Oh Allah save my parts doing haram acts, keep it covered and forgive my wrong doings
Salaam, The Qunut Fajr & Istamsakto is not fully covered, last few lines are missing. Pls update so it can be completed.
ReplyDeleteAs Salam alaikum bhai
ReplyDeletePlease send complete dafa il afaat Dua translation.
Jazak Allah
As salam please go to YOUTUBE -ZEN DAHODI and watch and listen my latest Ramadan Doas, translation of many of Doas including dafael afaat. Subscribe to my channel and spread among your friends. You will like it.
Found one mistake in Wudhu of leg. Please do the correction and also correct all he contains.
ReplyDelete“Istamsakto be'urwatillaahil wusqal latee lanfesaama lahaa wa'tasamto be hablillaahil mateen. A'oozo billaahe min sharre shayaateenil inse wal jinn. A'oozo billaahe min sharre fasaqatil ‘arabe wal ‘ajam. Hasbeyallaaho tawakkalto ‘alallaahe al ja'to zahree elallaahe wa talabto haajatee minallaahe laa hawla walaa quwwata illaa billaahil ‘aliyil ‘azeem. Allaahummaj'alni nooran fee qalbee wa nooran fee sam'ee wa nooran fee basaree wa nooran fee lesaanee wa nooran fee sha'ree wa nooran fee basharee wa nooran fee dame wa nooran fee lahmee wa nooran fee ‘ezaamee wa nooran fee ‘asabee wa nooran min bayna yadaiya wa nooran min khalfee wa nooran ‘an yameenee wa nooran ‘an shemaalee wa nooran min fawqee wa nooran min tahtee wa nooran fee qabree. Allaahumma a'zimlee nooraw wa jazalaw wa hobooraw wa ne'mataw wa sorooraa inna fee khalqis samaawaate wal arze wakhtelaafil layle wan nahaare la'aayaatil le'olil albaabil lazeena yazkoroonallaaha qeyaamaw wa qo'oodaw wa ‘ala jonoobehim wa yatafakkaroona fee khalqis samaawaate wal arze. Rabbanaa ma khalaqta haazaa baatelan subhaanaka faqenaa ‘azaaban naar. Rabbanaa innaka man tudkhelin naara faqad akhzaytahu wama liz zaalemeena min ansaar. Rabbanaa innana same'na monadeyay yonaadee lil imaan. An aamenoo berabbekum fa'aamanna rabbanaa faghfir lana zonoobana wa kaffir ‘anna saiye'aatena wa tawaffana ma'al abraar. Rabbanaa wa aatena ma wa'adtana ‘alaa rosoleka wala tukhzena yaumal qeyaamate innaka la tukhleful mee'aad.”
Thank you :) Shehzada Huzefa bs Mohiyuddin kaun thaa ? see here :- http://www.tarakmehtaka.com/2018/06/aaliwaqar-syedi-shaahzada-huzaifa_7.html
ReplyDeleteAs Salam.. please do not use this platform for any other comment other than related to this Namaz subject.
ReplyDeleteThis is a wonderful initiative. It is not possible for all to learn Arabic with complete meaning. At an initial phase, this is a good initiative to bring the curious young minds like me towards the deen. Many I know who go away from Namaz and Islam as they don't know/understand the meaning of what they are praying since childhood. Now this will push us more to learn more about the deen and also work towards learning Quranic Arabic. Thank you Zenuddin Bhai. May Allah bless you.
ReplyDeletePls provide Salawaat in english
ReplyDeletepls provide Salawaat in English
How to prey washake namaz
ReplyDeleteHow to prey wahshake namaz? In eid, ramazan, liyatual qadar, moti raat
ReplyDeleteYour dua Qunoot is all wrong. Check this https://youtu.be/sg1OiBrOs_s to get the words correct.
ReplyDeletewazu ka tarika
ReplyDeleteThis is nice article about namaz ki niyat
ReplyDeletekaafi accha article hai aapka boht boht shukriya
ReplyDeleteNaat Lyrics
Can u please help me with the ghusil niyat for washeq ???in English
ReplyDeleteI found very helpful
Thanks for ur efforts
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ReplyDeleteThank you
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